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Showing posts from October, 2023

Lesson 6, part b: Finding fifth interval to build power chords on guitar

In part b of this lesson on fifth intervals, I'm going to tell you about power chords. You may already be familiar with this as it’s an extremely popular technique in western pop and rock songs.  A power chord is simply the one note, a fifth interval note, and (optionally) an octave note played together.  There is no major third interval note to make the chord either major or minor.  Playing power chords is really common, in western pop and rock music. Let’s look a well known example: Eye of the Tiger, by Survivor: Play the intro to Eye of the Tiger We’re going to start by picking out the bass notes. Starting on the fifth string, find the C note and the B note. And I want you to play:  C, C, A#, C. C, A#, C I want you to do that by yourself, using the knowledge you already have from these lessons (a demo video will be posted here in October 2023 so please check back then for an update if you need to).  Find those notes on the fifth string of your guitar: C, C, A#, C C, A#, C When

Lesson 15: Soloing with the G shape

In lesson 10, we looked at the G shape on the fretboard, which can be used to play any major chord. In this lesson, you are going to build on this knowledge and learn how: the A shape is connected to the G shape(s) to solo with the G shape if your root note is on the 6th string to solo with the G shape if your root note is on the 3rd string to find the other interval notes within the major scale You should remember from our previous lesson on the G shape, that for practical application purposes, we split the G shape into two more manageable smaller shapes. Here’s a reminder: Version one We take the root note of our A shape (which is played with our middle finger) and we replace it with our index finger. Our ring finger, then plays the fifth string on the fourth fret. The 3rd interval note on the second string shown in the diagram below is optional: Version two The second way to play a G shape chord is to keep our index finger on the A shape notes, and add our little finger to the fir

Lesson 14: Soloing with the A shape

In lesson 9, we looked at   the A shape   on the fretboard, which can be used to play any major chord. In this lesson, you are going to build on this knowledge and learn how: the A shape pattern is linked to the C shape to solo with the A shape if your root note is on the 5th string to find the other interval notes within the major scale when using the A shape When we play the C shape , we use our little finger (or ring finger) on the root note. This frees up the fingers to the left to play the other notes we need.  In this A shape pattern, we're going to play the same root note, but we're going to use our index finger. This frees up the fingers to play on the right hand side of it. Now we can find a 3rd interval note and a 5th interval note to build this into any major chord, using the A shape. We have a fifth interval note on the fourth string. It's two frets down, and two frets across from our root note. We looked at this interval pattern in lesson 6, finding fifth inter