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The benefits of having a guitar practice routine

As the famous saying goes, practice makes perfect. This holds true for any skill, including playing the guitar. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, consistent practice is essential in improving your guitar playing abilities. 

Develop muscle memory faster

Repeating patterns, scales, and guitar solos on a regular basis is crucial in developing muscle memory. As you learn new chords, scales, and techniques, your fingers need to get used to the movements and positions on the fretboard. Through consistent practice, these movements become second nature, making it easier for you to play guitar without having to think. This muscle memory is essential in playing complex pieces and allows you to focus on your musical expression rather than the technical aspects of playing.

Improve hand coordination and dexterity

Regular and meaningful guitar practice helps improve your hand coordination and dexterity. As you progress in your guitar journey, you will come across more challenging songs and techniques that require intricate finger movements (barre chords anyone!) 

With practice, you'll train your hands to work together seamlessly, making it easier to play more complex pieces. Additionally, practicing regularly helps prevent muscle tension and fatigue, which can hinder your playing abilities.

Rhythm and timing

Playing along with a metronome or a backing track during practice can help you develop a strong sense of timing and groove. This is crucial, especially if you plan on playing with other musicians. A guitarist with excellent timing and rhythm can significantly contribute to the overall sound of a band.

Aside from technical skills, guitar practice also allows you to explore and discover your unique sound. By trying out different techniques, experimenting with chords and scales, and improvising, you can develop your own style and musical identity. Practice sessions give you the opportunity to explore the guitar and make it your own.

Make the most of your guitar practice sessions

1. Set a consistent guitar practice schedule 

How many days a week to practice guitar will be personal to you and your circumstances. The importnat thing is consistency. Set a specific time and day for your practice sessions, and stick to it. This will help you develop a routine and make it easier to commit to practicing regularly. If you have a busy family life, let others know when your dedicated practice time is. This will help to manage others' expectations, and will help them to hold you accountable for keeping up with your practice.

2. Know what guitar skills to practice 

It's crucial to have a plan for your practice session. Set specific goals for each session and focus on one or two things at a time. This will help you stay organized and track your progress. If you're stuck for practice ideas, you might want to include:

  • strumming patters
  • CAGED shapes
  • scales and arpeggios
  • finger picking
  • major chords
  • minor chords
  • riffs and licks
  • song practice
  • chord progressions
  • ear training

3. Set your guitar goals, and monitor your progress with a tracker 

A guitar practice journal will help to keep you motivated and give you a visual representation of your progress, and areas of focus throughout the year. A journal will enable you to:

  • Set personalised goals and monitor your progress
  • Identify the number of hours or days you've spent on a particular skill
  • Provide a quick reference to the notes and chords in a particuar key
  • List the songs you know and sort by key, capo placement, artist, and chord progression
  • Link directly to your favourite YouTube videos and tutorials 

4. Practice guitar in short bursts 

It's better to have shorter but more focused practice sessions rather than long, unfocused ones. This will help you stay engaged and prevent burnout.

For example, you may want to practice 4 bars of a song multiple times, rather than trying to play through the whole thing from start to finish. Once you have those bars mastered, move on to the next four.

5. Practice guitar with a metronome or a backing track

Playing with a metronome or a backing track can help improve your timing and rhythm. Make it a habit to incorporate this into your practice sessions.

6. Record yourself practising guitar

Recording your practice sessions can help you identify areas that need improvement. It also allows you to track your progress and see how far you have come.

Guitar practice tool 

Download the Guitar Practice Tracker today. This digital planner is designed to help you stay on track with your guitar practice.

It will help you to:

🗸 Identify your practice goals each month
🗸 Specify how frequently you aim to practice each skill you identify
🗸 Track your levels of progress against each guitar playing goal

(You'll need Google Sheets - which is also free with a GMail account)

Guitar practice is essential in becoming a proficient player. It not only helps develop technical skills but also allows you to discover your unique sound and musical identity. By tracking your progress and staying committed to your practice routine, you'll see significant improvements in your guitar playing abilities. Remember, practice may not always be easy, but it is necessary for growth and progress.